Pta Sponsored Homework Club.pdf
Dismissal Procedures

Choose 1 of 4 types of Dismissals:
A. Walker
B. Car Rider Line
C. Bus Rider
D. Open Door
Are dismissed from the back of the school. Grades K, 1 and 2 from the far back blue door (1st grade classrooms) and Grades 3, 4 & 5 from the middle blue door (3rd grade classrooms). Grades K, 1 & 2 MUST be dismissed to an adult or approved older sibling. Walkers MUST choose which side of the school sidewalk to exit to the street and walk (following one set of red arrows); students may not cross in front of the school (see the Red XXX). Students may cross to the other side of the street using the circled crosswalk.
Cars may only turn right into the car rider line and may only exit right from the car rider line. Cars should follow staff direction to pull forward as far as possible and students MUST enter cars using right side passenger doors. Cars may never be left unattended in the car rider line. Pick-up adults should follow Maryland Law while in the car rider line by refraining from use of hand held cell phones.
Are called when buses arrive. Pedestrians using walker pick-up will be asked to wait while buses are loading.
Students are called via PA to report to Open Door. If your child is scheduled to use Open Door services, they MUST be dismissed by Open Door unless a dismissal change is made.
Early Dismissal may occur until 2:30 pm. After 2:30, only emergency early dismissals can be accommodated. Please notify the school of dismissal changes by noon. Best practice for a dismissal change is a written note to the teacher.